Copper is shaped into a spiral and adorned with an amethyst gemstone 1/2" tall. overall height of the ring is 1 1/2". The gem is 1/4" tall..
Handmade in my Arizona Studio
Don't know your ring size? Here's a simple template to help
gift wrapped in a deluxe ring box with Sacred Spiral romance card
The Spiral is an ancient symbol representing growth and evolution.
It starts as a smaller, tight circle and expands quickly all the way to infinity Just like the spiral, each of our actions;a quick smile to a stranger or a kind word to a friend; seem like small gestures but the ripples of joy created is infinite!
"No act of kindness, no matter how small is ever wasted." Aesop
Love this ring but need a different size? This design is one of a kind but I will create a similar design for you in your size. Contact me Alene Geed for details.