/> Sacred Spiral Collection Copper & Sterling cuff bracelet – Alene's Adornments

My Book: The Creative Mind of a Jewelry Designer

sacred spiral copper and sterling cuff bracelet
spiral cuff from the back
sacred spiral cuff on the wrist

Sacred Spiral Collection Copper & Sterling cuff bracelet

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This copper and sterling cuff bracelet is fused with sterling and fine silver spiral designs. This one of a kind cuff is treated with a lacquer to inhibit oxidation too.

Cuff is  1 1/2" wide and 6 1/2" circumference. Fits wrist size 6 1/2" to 7 1/2"  Use a tape measure around your wrist to determine your size.

Handmade in my Arizona Studio and One of a kind.

 Gift wrapped in a deluxe gift box.

The Spiral is an ancient symbol representing growth and evolution. A Spiral starts as a smaller tight circle expanding quickly to infinity. Each of our actions.. a quick smile to a stranger, holding the door for someone, a kind word to a friend..seem like small gestures but the ripples of joy created is infinite.  

"No act of kindness, no matter how small is ever wasted." Aesop